Most Definitely Worth It!! I am 46 years young, and have four children. While I have always tried to take care of myself physically (doing yoga, eating healthy, staying out of the sun, following a religious skincare regiment, etc.), there really IS only so much one can do when it comes to „feminine maintenance.“ Yes ladies, you should keep on doing your Kegel exercises faithfully, because they do help; but you’re kidding yourself if you think that’s enough. I began to notice a difference „down there“ about ten years ago. Because I’ve been faithful with my Kegels, what I noticed first and foremost was a change in the external appearance–and I wasn’t a bit happy with what I was seeing. I suspect that many women don’t pay attention–or stop noticing–until that one fine day when you catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror, or when shaving, or when getting out of the shower…and by then gravity, time, childbirth, and aging have gotten the better of you. (Perhaps if we wore our genitalia on our faces, we’d notice sooner.) At that time, I briefly looked into vaginal rejuvenation, but I did not like the idea of having surgery. It wasn’t until recently that I found out about vaginal rejuvenation using lasers. When I discovered that it was possible to rejuvenate this area both internally AND externally with a quick procedure, I knew I had to try it. I inquired about the procedure with my physician, Dr. Ramtin Kassir. I was already a long time client and was extremely pleased with other services he performed for me (various fillers and Dysport.) I was advised that he offers the FemTouch (Lumenis) Vaginal Rejuvenation procedure, and that most people needed 2-3 treatments in order to see results. I underwent the procedure two weeks ago. The internal portion of the procedure was quick, painless, and very similar to what you would experience during a pap smear exam. The OB/GYN who performs the procedure in his office is friendly, personable, and takes the time to explain every piece of equipment and what she’s going to do every step of the way, in order to minimize any concerns or awkwardness. A device very similar to a speculum is inserted up to the point of the cervix, and then is slowly retracted. That’s it. A slight pulsating sensation is felt throughout, but it is absolutely painless. Dr. Kassir performed the external portion of the procedure, using the same laser technology but with a different instrument. A topical anesthetic is needed for this part of the procedure. I was told that I would not notice any appreciable change for at least 4-6 weeks. But objectively speaking, that was incorrect in my case. I noticed an immediate difference to the external appearance–the very same night–and that has continued to improve each day. Internally, there has already been a noticeable improvement in laxity, and what I’d refer to (as a lay person) as what seems like an increase in tissue density. I purposely did not tell my husband that I was having this procedure, because I wanted to see if he would notice on his own. (The scientific method demands at least one „blind“ and completely objective participant!) I was advised to abstain from sex for a week after the procedure. Once the week was up, I resumed sexual activity–and yes, he noticed. He didn’t ask why, or what, or how–but he definitely noticed. I have not yet decided if I will have any further treatments, because I want to wait the full four weeks to see how things progress. It may not even be necessary. But either way, I can’t say enough about this procedure; it’s definitely worth it!!!
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