Laser Hair Removal Works Wonders – Armpits and Bikini Area (Lumenis LightSheer Diode Laser) I am extremely pleased with my laser hair removal experience. I am hairless (just about) on my armpits and my bikini area is miraculously transformed. Previously I was very self-conscious of my underarms because the dark hairs even when shaved, still left a shadow. I had to shave every day if I wanted to be sleeveless. But I always get these red bumps from ingrown hair follicles that are irritated. So I shaved infrequently. The bikini area was always a mess for me to deal with. I strongly believe the hair removal success was due to the practioner’s experience with the intensity of the laser AND my ethnicity. In my case, I had a R.N. who performed the treatments, and she is simply superb. She can tolerate the awful smell of burning hairs—I say that even though it’s all my hairs that got zapped. The nurse tells me that Asians‘ hairs respond very well to these lasers (I’m Asian). I had no burns and no scarring. Of course, it was uncomfortable even with the numbing cream. But I do have a high pain tolerance level. A note on the numbing cream: I have this strange delayed reaction to it, so after the actual treatment session, I get all numbed up in the area where the cream was applied for a few hours. Then it wears off. I’m just so glad that I did my research and got a reputable office that was not too costly. I was afrad at first of the pain, but if you’ve been through childbirthings and know the temporary pain of plucking hairs off, it shouldn’t be a big deal. I put $600 so far on the treatments, but it will be a few hundred dollars more when I get my bikini area fully under control.
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